Funding Opportunities
Since our inception, in 1997, the Lhaq’temish Foundation has been home to numerous projects which improve the health and vitality of our community.
The Foundation has helped raise and administer funds for the Traditional Canoe Journeys, Missing Indigenous Women, House of Tears Carvers, Lummi Youth Canoe Family, Lummi Youth Wellness Center, Lummi Youth Basketball Tournaments, Natural Resource Enhancement projects, Language Revitalization efforts and more.
We are proud to continue serving as a support system to raise funds in the nonprofit sector alongside hard working, dedicated tribal members; investing in our indigenous talent, skills, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.
Recent Program and Project Funding
- Several Pandemic Response projects, March 2020-December 2022, ongoing
- Solar Lighting Project at Lummi Nation School, October 2021, completed
- Flood damage response, Winter 2020-2021, still in process
- “Fish Outlaws” with National Geographic, 2021-2022, completed
- House of Tears, Totem Pole Journey, 2021, completed
- Return of Tokitae, Salish Sea, 2021, still in process
- Ist-Otel AWARE, Behavioral Health, 2021-2022, completed
- Stepping Stones, Tiny Village construction project, 2021-2022, fully funded
Our Impact
Since 2007, The Lhaq’temish Foundation has supported and contributed to over 200 community projects and programs, and received $23,545,686 in donations.
Total Community Programs & Projects
in Total Contributions
Funding Opportunities
Youth Resilience Grant
Research demonstrates, that when tribal youth feel a connection to their culture they are more resilient, less engaged in risky behavior, have better educational outcomes and are less apt to suffer from mental illness.
Project Goal:
This project is designed to encourage and support activities that connect tribal youth to our culture and to our community.
- Organized Lummi community youth group (ages (0-24) who are engaged in cultural activities.
- Grant is matching, so youth group must have fundraising funds to match request.
- Must establish a Lhaq’temish Foundation fiscally sponsored project account.
- One award per group per calendar year
Submit Completed Application to:
For questions, call: 360-312-2144
Our Supporters
Heartfelt thanks to our supporters! The generous in-kind and funding donations from supporters helps protect and improve the health and quality of life for the Lummi Nation and to fulfill social, educational and cultural purposes.