Che Shesh Whe Wheleq
We are survivors of the flood – our community and our people are resilient, and we have worked since time immemorial to ’Preserve, Protect and Promote our Schelangen.’
Resilience Fund: Lummi COVID-19 Response
Lhaq’temish Foundation UPDATE
March 31, 2020
On Friday, March 13th, 2020, the Lhaq’temish Foundation jumped on board with Whatcom Community Foundation in support of their “Resilience Fund” campaign in response to COVID-19 (C-19). It is with much gratitude and appreciation that they have offered to partner with us to help our communities prepare and respond to the coronavirus pandemic.
Since then the Lhaq’tmish Foundation has had the opportunity to align the mission with the “Resilience Fund” and the ability to provide the Lummi community lens to the philanthropic outreach. In doing so, we have sent out a situation letter to our contacts to provide information of what we face in our tribal community. The disproportionate healthcare disparities[1] in our community is real and unfortunate.
Our LF Team has aggressively organized to seek and pursue emergency funds, to increase our bandwidth in providing up-to-date communication to our contacts and provide them with an easier access to donate funds. This includes the design, development and launch of: webpage, account ecommerce (online payments) setup for nonprofits, and soon the launch for a list-mailserver to keep our funders and supporters updated of what we are doing in our community to take care of our people. Although these are small steps, it will ensure we are leaving a big impact for the Lummi People. These new strategies will allow us to better communicate with you and how your contributions are better serving our community at large.
The media and press releases have been helpful to communicate to the broader community and to elevate our story with “Lummi COVID-19 Response.” It is important to convey the message and opportunity to invite others to help, to share the reference of the Lhaq’temish Foundation “Resilience Fund: Lummi COVID-19 Response.”
The primary ‘Lummi COVID-19 Response’ areas of focus: Field hospital, medical and public health operations. Homelessness, shelter, displaced and transition people. Food security, childcare, students, college students, young parents, infants & children, expectant mothers, transportation, medial services and appointments, and the list goes on.
Lummi COVID-19 Response – Media/PR References
April 4, 2020 – Washington Post
Indian Country, where residents suffer disproportionately from disease, is bracing for coronavirus.
March 31, 2020 – Bellingham Herald
Lummi announces 1 more positive test for coronavirus, as total for tribe rises to 17.
March 27, 2020 – Bellingham Herald
Lummi Nation on Thursday announces its 11th positive test for coronavirus.
March 22, 2020 – Seattle Times
Lummi Nation shelters in place to slow spread of coronavirus.
March 22, 2020 – Bellingham Herald
Lummi Indian Business Council orders shelter in place in response to coronavirus.
March 18, 2020 – Bellingham Herald
Lummi Nation announces two positive cases of coronavirus in Whatcom County.
March 18, 2020 – The Guardian
March 17, 2020 – Seattle Times
March 14, 2020 – Bellingham Herald
Lummi Nation only providing essential services after employee’s positive coronavirus test.
March 12, 2020 – Bellingham Herald
Lummi advises canceling travel outside Whatcom—even by car—to mitigate COVID-19.